Friday, December 11, 2009

Day... I don't know I'm so tired I hardly know my name

Today is Friday. That much I remember. So if Cecilia got her cast on on Tuesday this must be day 4. Yeah ok, brain a little slow but it is still there. I remember today is Friday because we took Cecilia back to Primary's to get a CT scan of her hip to make sure it is in the right place. That went well. Everything looks good and we were able to convince the doctor to cut off some of the top of her cast. It came up so high that it dug into her armpits and she could lick the front of it when she sat. He agreed that it was too high and thankfully cut off about an inch and a half (like Shaun said in his post). I joked with the doctor that he does this to all the parents so they feel better about the cast they have in the end. It was very traumatizing for Cecilia, but worth it to get another inch of her cute body.

So on to the reason my brain is so fried. I think Cecilia must have had some muscle spasms last night because she woke up several times crying between 10:30 and 2. We kept going in and rocking her to sleep, then put her down and 10-20 minutes later screaming again. Finally at 2 am I gave her some more Motrin (after Tylenol at 10:30) and rocked her to sleep and and stayed there holding her for about an hour. She would occasionally jump and start crying, which is what many say the signs of muscle spasms are. Poor thing! Finally I think the combination of pure exhaustion and the medicine worked and she slept until 6:30. Shaun and I are running on fumes after three nights in a row of little sleep. But we are tapping into our reserves and hope tonight will be better.

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