Friday, December 11, 2009

Moving Backwards

This whole experience with Cecilia in a cast has really thrown Shaun and I backwards. We feel like Cecilia is a newborn again. We have to relearn how to hold her, how to diaper her, how to bathe her (sponge), how to dress her and what will fit (nothing really). I have to figure out how to nurse her again. We are back to middle of the night soothing and feeding several times and sleeplessness. Shaun said this morning he can't remember having a worse night with her, not since she was born. It brings back memories of those first few nights when I was up every two hours and had so much adrenaline that I couldn't sleep between feedings anyway. The list of similarities goes on, she can't do the things she used to like sit up on her own, play on the floor by herself, roll over (which she has tried to do several times while I'm changing her diaper and it breaks my heart to see because she just figured it out), kick me when I'm changing her diaper and most precious of all stand up. She cries for no apparent reason and we wonder if life will ever get back to normal or if this is life for three months and we will have to do some major retraining in the end. It is the most surreal experience. One I wish I wasn't having. But reminiscing about her being a newborn is the silver lining. Plus we feel more confident as a parent this time and it is taking us less time to figure it out. I think life will be much better once we are all sleeping better, hopefully.

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