Wednesday, December 30, 2009

3 weeks 'til cast change

After my downer Christmas post I thought I had better write a more upbeat one. Three weeks from today is Cecilia's cast change, then 5 weeks and 5 days later and the cast comes off. Can't come fast enough. I think I'll add a count down to the blog, if I can find one.

Cecilia has been sleeping much better since Sunday. I think getting back into a routine in a familiar place really helps. Hopefully we don't have anymore hiccups this weekend when Shaun is home. There was even one night she slept from 6 pm to 7:30 am with a feeding in the night during which she fell asleep and two 2 hour naps during the day. This was behavior like before the cast (I just realized I can abbreviate that to BC and I love it, think I'll use that in the future) and I was so happy! Mom and dad got some good sleep too and everyone woke up refreshed and happy in the morning. It is amazing how dependent on sleep we as humans are (me especially).

On a side note Shaun and I are working on not wrapping her to sleep. She is really old to still be swaddled, but she just won't calm down and eat and go to sleep without it. Before the cast she loved being wrapped and would smile and coo when I did it. But like everything else, the cast changed that and now she fusses when I wrap her. So we have been working on some strategies to get away from it. We have settled on stratagies that wrap her until she falls asleep and then unwrap her so her arms are free after that. Then we'll work on getting her to fall asleep without it later. Last night was the first night we tried it. The first attempt of not wrapping her, but holding her arm so it doesn't flail didn't work at all. She hates it when I hold her arm and just concentrates on getting it away from me instead of eating. That attempt was ditched while I thought about a better way. Next attempt (for middle of the night feeding) was to wrap her until she fell asleep (during eating so still being held) and then pull her arm out. It kinda worked, I got one side free but the other was too disruptive and I abandoned it. I felt one being loose was good enough for a first try. She even woke up when I put her down and I was so nervous for what came next. But shockingly she only talked for a minute and then got quiet and went back to sleep. It was very encouraging and while I know there will be battles hopefully they won't be very many. I think she is ready for this, remind me I said that after the battles :)

Future battles, drinking from a sippy cup namely formula, sleeping through the night, and stopping nursing to sleep which will probably coincide with weaning. But all in good time, and most of which probably after the cast comes off, except drinking from a sippy cup. We are concurently working on this one and are having some success, again if her arms are tied. Stay tuned...

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