Sunday, June 13, 2010

Farr's Ice Cream stop

Katie and I took a trip down memory lane this weekend with a trip to Aesel Farr and Sons ice cream parlor in downtown Ogden. We both went there on special occaisons when we were growing up; me while on our annual summer vacation to Utah, often in my Grandpa Ritchie's big green monster of a truck. Katie would go after youth activities to the Ogden Temple. It had been at least 10 years since either of us had been to Farrs. We were on the way to the farm from a full day of family activities (mostly mine) including a memorial service for my late Grandpa Ritchie and a graduation swim party for a cousin on my mom's side. At roughly the same time, we both saw a distant Farr's Ice Cream sign and we knew we had to go. I don't think they've changed the green paint in here for at least 30 years! Apparently, we were too enamored with our sugar cones to snap a pic of the actual ice cream!

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