Thursday, June 17, 2010

So close

Sunday's are a time when both Shaun and I are here and focused on Cecilia. She is usually in a good mood after church and we have a little bit of time to play before dinner and bed. Lately we have been working on her pulling herself up from a siting to standing position, or "cruising" along the couch which works her coordination of putting her weight from one foot to the other. She has done so well and became a pro after one or two sessions. Also last week she let go of one hand and will hold onto just one finger to walk. Even that isn't the death grip it used to be. So Sunday we decided to try to get her to walk between us. We have tried it before and she just sits down and cries, but we thought she might be ready for it this time. She took right to it and smiled huge and giggled the whole time. We had to hop on skype and show the grandparents, who were thrilled to see it. She isn't walking on her own yet, but I honestly think it isn't far away. Just needs a little more confidence, and to figure out how to get up there on her own better. Sorry for the poor placement of the video camera, it is more difficult with a tripod to get the right angle. But you get the idea.

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