Friday, September 11, 2009

The Beast

Shaun and I have an Armenian cucumber plant in our garden this year. It grew and grew and grew, and no cucumbers. Flower after flower after flower and no cucumbers. I was getting frustrated, but if only I had known what was coming. All of the sudden one day it decided it had grown enough and wanted to grow cucumbers and watch out! I went out once and it had tons of cucs about two inches long at the tips of each of the runners. I thought wow that is going to be a lot of cucs! Next day Shaun goes out and finds all of these big cucumbers hiding. If the cucs on the ends were two inches long you can only imagine hw big the ones on the inside were. I keep wondering how they hide so well. It isn't that big of a plant and doesn't have that big of leaves. I'm convinced they grow a foot overnight. They say "hey they just came and checked me which means I have 24 hours to become A Beast. Let's do it!" Then they grow so much they stand on end by the next day and we go "Where did that come from?!" The biggest beast below measures a whopping 16 inches long. We had another bigger one that was at least 18 inches if not 20. Maybe we should just start going for the biggest cucumber ribbon at the State Fair. Anyone know what to do with Beastly cucumbers?

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