Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Swing War- Day 4

Cecilia took over a two hour nap in her crib this morning!!!! I was so excited! I finally won a battle! Maybe this is the turning point of the war. We had one interruption where I went in and soothed her back to a drowsy state and put her down and she fell asleep. I was so surprised! Afternoon nap... not so great. But it is partially my fault because I was running errands and messed up her timing. At that point it is kinda like attacking a city that has huge walls, sometimes it will work but it takes a lot longer. At this point I think I will retreat and try again tomorrow. One more day to try to get two naps back. Tomorrow decides the outcome of the war, only two last great battles left!!! I can't wait for peace one way or the other.

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