Monday, September 21, 2009

The Swing

Cecilia has always taken better naps in her swing. Which is why we have so many pictures and videos of her in it. It has gotten to the point where she will only sleep in it or in her car seat. We think it is something about the incline that she likes. We hardly ever have to turn it on to get her asleep. The odd thing is she will go down in her crib for bedtime no problem. I have been trying to wean her off it and get her to take a nap in her crib for a while now. She has won every battle so far. I have tried to do the morning nap in the crib, since that is the more stable one, but it didn't work, Cecilia -1, Mommy-0. Then I tried to do it if she was slightly awake after I finished nursing her, so she wouldn't wake up surprised and upset, Cecilia-2, Mommy-0. Then I tried to strap her in the bather (which is slightly inclined) and put it in her crib, Cecilia-3, Mommy-0. One day I made a concerted effort and put her in the crib and let her cry for a while. After 10 minutes I went in to soothe her, I know it doesn't sound like long, but when your baby is crying it is an eternity. I picked her up and she burped a huge one and I said that must have been the problem. But I caved and put her in the swing, not a peep. Then said, no I'm stronger than this and put her back in the crib. SCREAM!!! Caved again, put her back in the swing, quiet, head turned, and eyes closed before I could leave the room, Cecilia-4, Mommy-0. I kinda gave up after that for a while. Until this weekend. She decided she didn't want to sleep in her swing either. Every nap we had to turn it on to get her to sleep. That was the turning point. No more. I am emboldened from talking to a neighbor yesterday who had a similar problem and said she just went cold turkey, put her son in the crib and after a week he was over it. Cecilia may have won the battles, but I am going to win the war!
So how is it going today? This morning she took an hour nap in the crib, not her usual 2 to 2.5 hour nap, but pretty good I felt. But I was sure she was just strategizing for her next battle. Afternoon nap? Well let's just say blogging is helping me keep my mind off my worthy opponent who is putting forth a serious fight.

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