Friday, September 11, 2009


We recently went to dinner at my parents house. While there we handed Ceci a plastic spoon to see what she would do. She immediately stuck it in her mouth and played and played and played. She held it and hit my arm with it until it was sore. We were amazed at how long she gripped it. My mom says the grand kids always do new things when they come to visit and I'm sure this is the first of many things that she will do for the first time there. Spoons are now definitely her favorite toy. Good thing too because I got a ton of them at a baby shower so we have multi colored spoons all over the house. We usually stick her in the bumbo in the morning, hand her a spoon, and make breakfast. These are a couple of morning shots. Notice which hand is holding the spoon. I think we have a righty on our hands.

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