Friday, September 25, 2009

Swiss Family Robinson

I once read that it is really good to sing to your baby. So I sing to her as we are getting ready for bed and most naps. It is part of the calming down routine. Most times I just make up a song, but I'm not very creative so they usually end up to be about the same. But the other day I was humming along and stumbled across the "Oh Christmas Tree" song that is sung in Swiss Family Robinson. I'm sure it is a typical English song, but my only association with it is the movie. That really made me want to see it again. I decided it would be a good one to add to our children's video library so I bought it. When it came in the mail I was so excited to rewatch it. What a classic. There are a few scary parts so we may save it for when our kids are older. I'm sure PETA hates it for some of the scenes as there are a lot of animals stressed, not hurt I'm sure, but stressed. But I digress. There was one part of the movie that I laughed so hard my stomach hurt and I wanted to share it with all of you. I can't figure out how to take a clip from YouTube and modify it. So you'll just have to fast forward this one to 6:33 to get to the scene I'm talking about. If anyone knows how to modify this clip let me know. Enjoy!

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