Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Why do we love food?

In the midst of Katie's battles at home with her worthy, non-sleeping opponent, I've decided to jump in with a slightly more colorful fare: some recent foods we've been more than pleased with. We've decided to start taking close up pictures of our food, which makes it way more pleasant to look at. But for now, our amateur photography skills will have to suffice.

First, we have our bowl of peeled tomatoes. My mouth starts watering just by looking at these amazing beauties. We crushed most of them up to make a modified version of this eggplant parmesan recipe.

This is the eggplant parmesan. It tasted fantastic but the picture is really lacking...

The other thing we did with our tomatoes is throw them down with some fresh mozzarella, basil and some olive oil. Dash some sea salt and cracked pepper on there and you have one of the greatest things on earth: caprese.

We had a few friends over last week for a limon-roasted chicken Mexican dinner.

Finally, we needed to document some of our favorite things to do with summer's fresh peaches. Katie likes to snack with peanut butter on toast topped with sliced peaches.

Shaun, however, prefers to go straight peaches and cream. (The crappy Quaker oatmeal packet is definitely not what I'm talking about here). I'm talking about peaches so ripe the skin peels off in one tug. I'm talking about peaches so juicy you don't even realize it's already dripping from your elbow when you finish peeling them. I'm talking about peaches so sweet the only way to make them better is to pour a little half and half (you're just asking for trouble if you start actually eating them with real cream) in a bowl and eat them a slice at a time.

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